Monthly Archives: August 2021

9/5 announcements

September 5, 2021

Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost

Prophet Zachariah, Father of the Forerunner

September 1 marks the beginning of the ecclesiastical year. The liturgical year is a body of sacred “signs” which have a present effect. Each liturgical feast renews and actualizes the event of which it is the symbol; it takes the event out of the past and makes it immediate; it offers us the appropriate grace; it becomes the “effectual sign.” The liturgical year is a special means of union with Christ. Every Eucharist unites us intimately with Christ, for in it He is “both He who offers and He who is offered.” Every prayer, being the prayer of the members of the mystical body, shares in the prayer of Him who is the Head of the Body and the only One whose prayer is perfect. We are called to relive the whole life of Christ: from Christmas to Easter, from Easter to Pentecost, we are exhorted to unite ourselves to Christ in his birth and in his growth, to Christ suffering, to Christ dying, to Christ in triumph and to Christ inspiring His Church. The liturgical year forms Christ in us; the liturgical year is Christ Himself, annus est Christus. It includes the cycle of feasts of the saints, the glorified members of the body of Christ. Their sanctity is but an aspect, a shining ray of the holiness of Christ Himself. To celebrate the feast of a saint is to celebrate a special grace that flows from Christ to that saint and so to us. In the same way that the feasts of our Lord in a mysterious way renew the events of His life, so the feasts of the saints make their lives, their merits and their deaths mysteriously actual. Commemorations of the martyrs renew the grace of their violent deaths, so that, as these were a participation in the passion of Christ, this passion is relived in remembering the martyrs. The liturgical year has but one and the same object, Jesus Christ; whether we contemplate Him directly or through the members of His body. Great graces and great spiritual opportunities are offered us during the course of the liturgical year. It provides a frame and support for Christian piety; it gives it a style which is sober and objective; it maintains a bond of unity among believers. Above all, it communicates an inspiration and transmits a life. It acquires its true meaning to the extent that it becomes an adoration in spirit, in truth.

(Excerpted and paraphrased from The Year of Grace of the Lord)

I Corinthians 9:2-12: In our reading from I Corinthians, we hear St Paul respond to those in who questioned his apostleship and his lifestyle as such.

Matthew 18:23-35: The Lord Jesus uses a parable to teach that forgiveness is an action to be per­formed by all who follow Him as well as a gift to be received from God.

Troparion of the Resurrection: When thou, O immortal Life, didst humble thyself unto death, then didst thou destroy death by the brightness of thy Godhead; and when thou didst raise the bowels of the earth, then all the heavenly powers exclaimed, O Christ, thou art the Giver of life! Glory to thee, O our God!

Troparion for the Prophet Zachariah: In the vesture of a priest, according to the Law of God, thou didst offer unto Him well-pleasing whole-burnt offerings, as it befitted a priest, O wise Zachariah. Thou wast a shining light, a seer of mysteries, bearing in thyself clearly the signs of grace; and in God’s temple, O wise Prophet of Christ God, thou wast slain with the sword. Hence, with the forerunner, make entreaty that our souls find salvation.

Troparion of the Chains of St. Peter: O Holy Apostle, Peter, thou dost preside over the Apostles by the precious chains which thou didst bear. We venerate them with faith and beseech thee that by thine intercessions we be granted the great mercy.

Kontakion of the Nativity of the Theotokos: By thy holy birth-giving, O pure one, Joachim and Anne were delivered from the reproach of barrenness; and Adam and Eve were delivered from the corruption of death; thy people do celebrate it, having been saved from the stain of iniquity, crying unto thee, The barren doth give birth to the Theotokos, who nourisheth our life.


UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE: All services listed on the calendar will be available through streaming and webcast.

Sunday, September 5 (Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost)

8:50 a.m. — Orthros (webcast)

10:00 a.m. — Divine Liturgy (webcast)

Monday, September 6 (Miracle of the Archangel Michael)

Father Herman off

Tuesday, September 7

6:30 p.m. — Great Vespers with Litia and Artoklasia

Wednesday, September 8 (Nativity of the Theotokos)

The first feast of the liturgical year celebrates the birth of the Holy Virgin Mary, most blessed of women, chosen to bear God the Son, partaker in the Incarnation as the dwelling place of God. To celebrate her birth and give honor to her life is unavoidably to anticipate the coming of the Messiah and to adore His person. To remember her worthiness is to remember God’s grace. To wonder at her faith is to arouse ourselves to emulate her strength of will and her depth of trust. As we enter the cycle of the year, we turn first to honor the Holy Virgin, she who by her role in history and by her place among the saints most reminds us of the coming of the Saviour and the life He gives us, who by the Incarnation became the ladder between Heaven and Earth, who as the Mother of Christ is also the Mother of all His brethren.

6:30 p.m. — Daily Vespers

Thursday, September 9 (Righteous Joachim and Anna)

NO Services

Friday, September 10

NO Services

Saturday, September 11

10:00 a.m. — Ladies meet for the Akathist

4:45 p.m. — Choir Practice

6:00 p.m. — Great Vespers (No Ninth Hour)

Sunday, September 12 (Sunday before the Elevation of the Cross)

8:50 a.m. — Orthros (webcast)

9:00 a.m. — Christian Education

10:00 a.m. — Divine Liturgy (webcast)


The Eucharist Bread …was offered by the Deacon Richard Roots for the Divine Liturgy last Sunday and by the Hendersons for the Divine Liturgy this morning.

Please continue to follow the CDC Guidelines to limit contagion and the spread of the COVID virus.

Eucharist Bread Schedule (MODIFIED Coffee Hour — Coffee only, no food**):

Eucharist Bread Coffee Hour

September 5 Henderson Kh. Sharon, Cheryl

September 7 (Tues, p.m.) Baker (Artoklasia Bread) NO Coffee Hour

(Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos)

September 12 Algood Rebecca, Natalia

September 13 (Mon. p.m.) Katool NO Coffee Hour

September 19 Schelver Kh. Sharon, Christina

September 26 Jones Kh. Be’Be’, Sh. Charlotte

Coffee Hour Going Forward: We will continue to serve coffee (and juice for the children), but no food as yet, following the Divine Liturgy on Sunday mornings. We will also continue to use disposable cups and individual sweeteners and creamers. Please use the available hand sanitizer before using the air-pots to get your coffee. Coffee will be served inside the fellowship hall and people will be free to go outside or to sit inside. For those sitting inside, we ask that you spread out and provide some space for each other. Please DO NOT congregate in front of the coffee table or in the entrance to the Fellowship Hall.

Also, please remember that we still need your tithes and offerings which may be placed in the tithe box at the back of the nave or be mailed to: St. Peter Orthodox Church, P.O. Box 2084, Madison, MS 39130-2084.

Schedule for Epistle Readers – Page numbers refer to the Apostolos (book of the Epistles) located on the front pew. Please be sure to use this book when you read.

Reader Reading Page#

September 5 Kh. Elizabeth I Cor. 9:2-12 141

September 12 Sam Habeeb Gal. 6:11-18 198

September 13 (Mon. p.m.) Kh. Sharon I Cor. 1:18-24 311

(Feast of the Elevation of the Holy Cross)

September 19 Brenda Baker Gal. 2:16-20 193

September 26 Walt Wood I John 4:12-19 315

Please remember the following in your prayers: Steve, Sheryl Chamblee; Aidan Milnor, the Milnor family; Sam and Lamia Dabit; Mary Greene (Lee and Kh. Sharon’s sister); Jay and Joanna; Fr. Leo and Kh. Be’Be’ and their family; Emad and Natalia Alaeetawi and their family; Tom and Kathy Willingham; Marilyn (Kyriake) Snell; Jack and Jill Weatherly; Darlene Amason and her family.

Continue to pray for Metropolitan Paul (who is also the brother of our Patriarch) and the Syriac Archbishop John of Aleppo who were abducted while on a humanitarian mission in Syria.

Please remember Fr. Joseph and Kh. Joanna Bittle, and their daughter Abigail, in your prayers.

Christian Education Classes will resume next Sunday, September 12th, beginning at 9:00 a.m.

COVID Precautions for St. Peter:

– For anyone who feels more comfortable participating in the Liturgy in the parish hall, we will resume streaming Sunday Orthros and Divine Liturgy onto the TV set up in there. Chairs will also be set out as previously done. If you would like to attend Orthros and Liturgy in the fellowship hall on any given Sunday, please notify Fr. Herman so that we can have the Eucharist brought in and served to you. Please note that there maybe others who wish to do this at the same time as you. When church school begins in September, we will make adjustments to accommodate both these as best we can.

– Masks are highly recommended to be worn, but the decision to wear a mask, or not wear a mask, will be left up to you. Please use your best judgement on whether or not to wear a mask.

– Please make attempts to spread out as best as possible within the nave during the divine services.

– Coffee hour will continue as it has been with only coffee being served. If kolivia, or any other food blessed in the context of the Liturgy is done, it will be served to you with the servers wearing masks and gloves.

– Church school will resume as planned on September 12.

– The clergy, when serving the Eucharist, will continue to wear a mask and stagger the lines in an attempt to reduce to close contact with the respective other line.

– Also please attempt to spread out as best as possible in the fellowship hall during coffee hour as well

– If you are not feeling well PLEASE do not attempt to come to the services. This also includes anyone who may have been exposed to you during this time. Also, please let Fr. Herman know if you are not feeling well and have COVID like symptoms.

– The parish council and Fr. Herman are keeping a close eye on the situation with this new COVID variant and will be in discussion on a regular basis as the situation changes in either direction.

Please keep Lottie Dabbs (Sh. Charlotte Algood’s mother) in your prayers as she recovers from a bad fall which resulted in a fractured pelvis. Please also remember Sh. Charlotte and their family as well.

Maria Costas is currently at St. Catherine’s Village. Please keep her in your prayers as well.

If you get sick, especially with the Corona virus, please let Fr. Herman know.

Father Herman’s contact information is as follows:

cell phone #- 601-573-5246

email- abounaherman

Instructions for streaming our services can be found on the parish website.

Calendar Items:

* The Ladies will meet at the church at 10:00 a.m. on the second Saturday of the month to pray the Akathist to the Mother of God, Nurturer of Children on behalf of our children.

* The Ladies will meet for lunch on last Tuesday of the month.

* We will celebrate the Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos with Great Vespers with Litia and Artoklasia on Tuesday evening, September 7th, beginning at 6:30 p.m.

* The Feast of the Elevation of the Precious and Life-giving Cross will be celebrated with Orthros followed by Divine Liturgy on Monday evening, September 14th, beginning at 6:00 p.m.

* The remaining Stewpot date for this year is November 6. More information will be available closer to time.

Fasting Discipline for September

In September, the traditional fasting discipline (no meat, dairy, eggs, fish, wine or oil) is observed on all Wednesdays and Fridays of the month. The Feast of the Elevation of the Cross on September 14th is also a strict fast day.

Major Commemorations for September

September 6 Miracle of the Archangel Michael

September 8 Nativity of the Theotokos

September 9 Righteous Joachim and Anna

September 13 Dedication of the Church of the Anastasis

September 14 Elevation of the Precious Life-giving Cross

September 23 Conception of the Forerunner

September 24 Proto-martyr Thekla

September 26 Apostle John the Theologian (repose)

The Diocese of Miami and the Southeast Fall Retreat 2021 to be hosted by St. Ignatius Church in Franklin TN has been rescheduled to the weekend of October 15-17th. This will be an “IN-PERSON” Retreat. For information on registration and the hotel, go the Diocesan website at A schedule for the retreat is also available on the website. If you had already registered and booked a hotel room for the September date, please check the website for information on what you need to do.

Quotable: “We have said that it is really Christ who becomes a contemporary with us, because the life of each of us has its uniqueness, which it doesn’t lose. Jesus takes part in all our sufferings, making them easier. He helps us with our struggle against temptations and sin; He strives with us in our quest for virtues: He uncovers our true nature from under the leaves of sin. St. Maximus comments: ‘Until the end of the world He always suffers with us, secretly, because of His goodness according to [and in proportion to] the suffering found in each one.'”

Fr. Dumitru Staniloae, Orthodox Spirituality

Worship: Sunday, September 12, 2021 (Sunday before the Elevation of the Cross)

Scripture: Galatians 6:11-18; John 3:13-17

Celebrant: Father Herman

Epistle Reader: Sam Habeeb

Prosphora: Algood

Coffee Hour: Rebecca Dansereau, Natalia Alaeetawi

8/29 announcements

August 29, 2021

Beheading of the Holy and Glorious Prophet,

Forerunner and Baptist John

Acts 13:25-33: In this passage from Acts of the Apostles, we hear St. Paul preach about the ministry of John the Baptist and about Christ’s death in fulfillment of prophecy.

Mark 6:14-30: On this Sunday when we commemorate St. John the Baptist, we read of his beheading by the order of Herod the king. The Forerunner John is martyred for standing up for his convictions.

Troparion of the Resurrection: The stone being sealed by the Jews, and thy pure body being guarded by the soldiers, thou didst arise on the third day, O Saviour, granting life to the world. Wherefore, the heavenly powers acclaimed thee, O Giver of life, crying, Glory to thy Resurrection, O Christ! Glory to thy kingdom! Glory to thy gracious providence, O only Lover of mankind.

Troparion for the Forerunner: The memory of the righteous is celebrated with songs of praise, but the Lord’s testimony is sufficient for thee, O Forerunner. Thou wast shown indeed to be the most honorable of the prophets, for in the waters thou didst baptize Him Who had been proclaimed. After suffering with joy in behalf of the truth, thou didst proclaim even to those in Hades the God Who appeared in the flesh, Who takest away the sin of the world, and granteth us the Great Mercy.

Troparion of the Chains of St. Peter: O Holy Apostle, Peter, thou dost preside over the Apostles by the precious chains which thou didst bear. We venerate them with faith and beseech thee that by thine intercessions we be granted the great mercy.

Kontakion of the Nativity of the Theotokos: By thy holy birth-giving, O pure one, Joachim and Anne were delivered from the reproach of barrenness; and Adam and Eve were delivered from the corruption of death; thy people do celebrate it, having been saved from the stain of iniquity, crying unto thee, The barren doth give birth to the Theotokos, who nourisheth our life.


UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE: All services listed on the calendar will be available through streaming and webcast.

Sunday, August 29 (Feast of the Beheading of John the Baptist)

8:50 a.m. — Orthros (webcast)

10:00 a.m. — Divine Liturgy (webcast)


Monday, August 30

Father Herman off

Tuesday, August 31 (Deposition of the Belt of the Theotokos)

NO Services

11:30 a.m. — Ladies Lunch (Aplo’s in Highland Village)

Wednesday, September 1 (Indiction of the Ecclesiastical Year

6:30 p.m. — Daily Vespers

Thursday, September 2

NO Services

11:30 a.m. — Men’s Lunch

Friday, September 3

NO Services

Saturday, September 4

4:45 p.m. — Choir Practice

6:00 p.m. — Great Vespers (No Ninth Hour)

Sunday, September 5 (Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost)

8:50 a.m. — Orthros (webcast)

10:00 a.m. — Divine Liturgy (webcast)


The Eucharist Bread …was offered by the Daniel Roots for the Divine Liturgy this morning.

Eucharist Bread Schedule (MODIFIED Coffee Hour — Coffee only, no food**):

Eucharist Bread Coffee Hour

August 29 R. Root Kh. Janet, Anastasia

September 5 Henderson Kh. Sharon, Cheryl

September 7 (Tues, p.m.) Baker (Artoklasia Bread) NO Coffee Hour

(Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos)

September 12 Algood Rebecca, Natalia

September 13 (Mon. p.m.) Katool NO Coffee Hour

September 19 Schelver Kh. Sharon, Christina

September 26 Jones Kh. Be’Be’, Sh. Charlotte

Coffee Hour Going Forward: We will continue to serve coffee (and juice for the children), but no food as yet, following the Divine Liturgy on Sunday mornings. We will also continue to use disposable cups and individual sweeteners and creamers. Please use the available hand sanitizer before using the air-pots to get your coffee. Coffee will be served inside the fellowship hall and people will be free to go outside or to sit inside. For those sitting inside, we ask that you spread out and provide some space for each other. Please DO NOT congregate in front of the coffee table or in the entrance to the Fellowship Hall.

Also, please remember that we still need your tithes and offerings which may be placed in the tithe box at the back of the nave or be mailed to: St. Peter Orthodox Church, P.O. Box 2084, Madison, MS 39130-2084.

Schedule for Epistle Readers – Page numbers refer to the Apostolos (book of the Epistles) located on the front pew. Please be sure to use this book when you read.

Reader Reading Page#

August 29 Walt Wood Acts 13:25-33 406

September 5 Kh. Elizabeth I Cor. 9:2-12 141

September 12 Sam Habeeb Gal. 6:11-18 198

September 13 (Mon. p.m.) Kh. Sharon I Cor. 1:18-24 311

(Feast of the Elevation of the Holy Cross)

September 19 Brenda Baker Gal. 2:16-20 193

September 26 Walt Wood I John 4:12-19 315

Continue to pray for Metropolitan Paul (who is also the brother of our Patriarch) and the Syriac Archbishop John of Aleppo who were abducted while on a humanitarian mission in Syria.

Please remember the following in your prayers: Steve, Sheryl Chamblee; Aidan Milnor, the Milnor family; Sam and Lamia Dabit; Mary Greene (Lee and Kh. Sharon’s sister); Jay and Joanna; Fr. Leo and Kh. Be’Be’ and their family; Emad and Natalia Alaeetawi and their family; Tom and Kathy Willingham; Marilyn (Kyriake) Snell; Jack and Jill Weatherly; Darlene Amason and her family.

COVID Precautions for St. Peter:

– For anyone who feels more comfortable participating in the Liturgy in the parish hall, we will resume streaming Sunday Orthros and Divine Liturgy onto the TV set up in there. Chairs will also be set out as previously done. If you would like to attend Orthros and Liturgy in the fellowship hall on any given Sunday, please notify Fr. Herman so that we can have the Eucharist brought in and served to you. Please note that there maybe others who wish to do this at the same time as you. When church school begins in September, we will make adjustments to accommodate both these as best we can.

– Masks are highly recommended to be worn, but the decision to wear a mask, or not wear a mask, will be left up to you. Please use your best judgement on whether or not to wear a mask.

– Please make attempts to spread out as best as possible within the nave during the divine services.

– Coffee hour will continue as it has been with only coffee being served. If kolivia, or any other food blessed in the context of the Liturgy is done, it will be served to you with the servers wearing masks and gloves.

– Church school will resume as planned on September 12.

– The clergy, when serving the Eucharist, will continue to wear a mask and stagger the lines in an attempt to reduce to close contact with the respective other line.

– Also please attempt to spread out as best as possible in the fellowship hall during coffee hour as well

– If you are not feeling well PLEASE do not attempt to come to the services. This also includes anyone who may have been exposed to you during this time. Also, please let Fr. Herman know if you are not feeling well and have COVID like symptoms.

– The parish council and Fr. Herman are keeping a close eye on the situation with this new COVID variant and will be in discussion on a regular basis as the situation changes in either direction.

Please keep Lottie Dabbs (Sh. Charlotte Algood’s mother) in your prayers as she recovers from a bad fall which resulted in a fractured pelvis. Please also remember Sh. Charlotte and their family as well.

Please remember Fr. Joseph and Kh. Joanna Bittle, and their daughter Abigail, in your prayers.

Maria Costas is currently at St. Catherine’s Village. Please keep her in your prayers as well.

If you get sick, especially with the Corona virus, please let Fr. Herman know.

Father Herman’s contact information is as follows:

cell phone #- 601-573-5246

email- abounaherman

Please continue to follow the CDC Guidelines to limit contagion and the spread of the COVID virus.

Instructions for streaming our services can be found on the parish website.

Calendar Items:

* The Ladies will meet at the church at 10:00 a.m. on the second Saturday of the month to pray the Akathist to the Mother of God, Nurturer of Children on behalf of our children.

* The Ladies will meet for lunch on Tuesday, August 31st at 11:30 a.m. at Aplo’s in Highland Village.

* We will celebrate the Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos with Great Vespers with Litia and Artoklasia on Tuesday evening, September 7th, beginning at 6:30 p.m.

* The Feast of the Elevation of the Precious and Life-giving Cross will be celebrated with Orthros followed by Divine Liturgy on Monday evening, September 14th, beginning at 6:00 p.m.

* The remaining Stewpot date for this year is November 6. More information will be available closer to time.

The Diocese of Miami and the Southeast Fall Retreat 2021 to be hosted by St. Ignatius Church in Franklin TN has been rescheduled to the weekend of October 15-17th. This will be an “IN-PERSON” Retreat. For information on registration and the hotel, go the Diocesan website at A schedule for the retreat is also available on the website. If you had already registered and booked a hotel room for the September date, please check the website for information on what you need to do.

Fasting Discipline for September

In September, the traditional fasting discipline (no meat, dairy, eggs, fish, wine or oil) is observed on all Wednesdays and Fridays of the month. The Feast of the Elevation of the Cross on September 14th is also a strict fast day.

Major Commemorations for August/September

August 29 Beheading of the Forerunner

August 31 Deposition of the Belt of the Theotokos

September 1 Indiction of the Ecclesiastical Year

September 6 Miracle of the Archangel Michael

September 8 Nativity of the Theotokos

September 9 Righteous Joachim and Anna

September 13 Dedication of the Church of the Anastasis

September 14 Elevation of the Precious Life-giving Cross

September 23 Conception of the Forerunner

September 24 Proto-martyr Thekla

September 26 Apostle John the Theologian (repose)

Quotable: “The Lord offers Himself to us through commandments, outside of us we might say, hidden but present in these analytical traits of His image; in the virtues which show the strong effect on us of the commandments and the progress in this living synthesis between us and them, the Lord is also manifested with us. In the commandments, taken by themselves, the Lord is hidden as an attracting, personal power, the effort to carry them out through the virtues as a personal, active, power. From Baptism the Lord is concealed in the innermost sanctuary of our being, stimulating us to carry out the commandments, by imprinting the traits of the Lord on our spiritual face. So they gradually become clearer under the impetus of His commanding force, which works from the inside out, which is nothing else than Jesus Christ, the one dwelling deeply within us, unnoticed at the beginning in a perceptible way. By our virtues the presence of Christ is thus made even more obvious within us, manifesting itself even brighter in our exterior conduct.”

Fr. Dumitru Staniloae, Orthodox Spirituality

Worship: Sunday, September 5, 2021 (Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost)

Scripture: I Corinthians 9:2-12; Matthew 18:23-35

Celebrant: Father Herman

Epistle Reader: Kh. Be’Be’ Schelver

Prosphora: Henderson

Coffee Hour: Kh. Sharon Meadows, Cheryl Pigott